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The 12m+ set includes a hard nozzle cup designed to help babies start learning to drink like grown-ups and accustom to a harder material.  The spout, the handles and the anti-tip cup holder at the bottom can be removed to transform the sippy cup into a real cup once the baby has improved his drinking skills.

The 12m+ range also includes a dish and plate set with soft grip and anti-slid bottom in TPE which are perfect for the first solid foods.

Cutlery is designed specifically for babies’ small hands and comes with easy hold handles provided of smooth TPE inserts

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Il Set Piatti e le Prime Posatine incoraggiano il bambino a mangiare correttamente stando a tavola o sul seggiolone. I vari elementi sono caratterizzati da dimensioni contenute, inserti e dettagli anti scivolo, manici ergonomici e forme arrotondate, anche dei puntali, per favorire la sicurezza e la maneggevolezza.

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DESIGNSUMISURA  Via Malaga 4 20143 Milano T +39 02 36643915 M +39 3471507087